Ryan Morrison, Associate Professor, Colorado State University
I am an Associate Professor and water resources engineer at Colorado State University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. My research interests include hydrodynamic interactions in river-floodplain systems, large-scale human impacts to river corridors, fluvial responses to wildfire and flood disturbances, and responses of headwater streams to process-based restoration.
Current Research Group
Cat McClure (Postdoc)
Research Topic: Biogeomorphic Impacts of Future Hydroclimatic Variability in the Yampa and Green River Basins.
Ashar Ali (PhD student)
Research Topic: TBD
Nicholas Christensen (PhD student)
Research Topic: Role of River Network Configuration and Floodplain Restoration on Flood Attenuation
Steven Griffin (PhD student)
Research Topic: Post-Wildfire Morphological Responses of Headwater Streams
Aleah Hahn (PhD student; co-advised with Dr. Ellen Wohl)
Research Topic: Modeling Large Wood in River Restoration
Rafin Hasan (PhD student; co-advised with Dr. Antonio Alves Meira Neto)
Research Topic: Investigation of Groundwater Connectivity in Headwater Streams Driven by Subsurface Heterogeneity and Stream Restoration
Brady Jones (MS student)
Research Topic: Influence of Channel and Floodplain Post-Fire Treatments on Sediment and Flow Processes
Mariah Papac (MS student)
Research Topic: The Effects of Process Based Restoration on Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Floodplains
Kayla Schultz (MS student)
Research Topic: Role of Historic Beaver Dams in Promoting Floodplain Connectivity in Headwater Systems
Bijoux Schoner (MS Student)
Research Topic: Monitoring Large Wood in Urban River Restoration
Research Group Alums
Danny White (PhD, Graduated 2023)
Research Topic: Experimental Flume and Numerical Studies Into the Influence of Floodplain Vegetation on River-Corridor Hydrodynamic Processes
Jack Derbique (MS, Graduated 2023)
Research Topic: Calibrating 2D Hydraulic Models Using End-Members of Watershed Response to Wildfire
Will Creed (MS, Graduated 2023)
Research Topic: Error Propagation of Effective Discharge Calculations in Analytical Designs for River Restorations
Matthew Lurtz (PhD, Graduated 2023)
Research Topic: Response of Riparian Vegetation to Agricultural Practices in an Arid Climate
Dixie Potent (MS student; Graduated 2023; co-advised with Dr. Aditi Bhaskar)
Research Topic: Impacts of Urban Development on Stream Hydrology and Morphology in a Semi-Arid Environment
Evan Schulz (MS student; Graduated 2023; co-advised with Dr. Ryan Bailey)
Research Topic: Evaluating Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in Floodplains using SWAT+ and gwflow
Richard Knox (PhD, Graduated 2022; co-advised with Dr. Ellen Wohl)
Research Topic: The Geography of Artificial Levees in the United States
Kira Simonson (MS, Graduated 2022)
Research Topic: Quantifying Floodplain Health in the Contiguous United States using an Index of Integrity
Chenchen Ma (MS, Graduated 2022)
Research Topic: Decreasing Stream Habitat for Greenback Cutthroat Trout Under Future Climate Projections in Headwater Streams of Colorado
Heechan Han (PhD, Graduated 2021)
Research Topic: Improving Hydrologic Modeling of Runoff Processes Using Data-Driven Models
Nick Brouillard (MS, Graduated 2021)
Research Topic: Hydrodynamics of Meandering Compound Channels with Varied Emergent Floodplain Vegetation Densities
Naveen Kumar (MS, Graduated 2021, co-advised wtih Dr. Timothy Gates)
Research Topic: Modeling Reach-Scale Groundwater-Stream Exchange Along the Riparian Corridor
Ben Tyner (MEng, Graduated 2021)
Elaina Passero (MS, Graduated 2020)
Research Topic: Development of a Decision Support System for Concurrently Evaluating Changes in Instream and Floodplain Habitats Caused by Flow Modifications
Marissa Karpack (MS, Graduated 2019)
Research Topic: Quantitative Assessment of Floodplain Functionality in Colorado Using an Index of Integrity
Kara Scheel (MS, Graduated 2018)
Research Topic: Toward Understanding Changes in Large-Scale Floodplain Connectivity Caused by Levees